Tuesday, October 16, 2007

eff that muther-effer

dog owners are fucked up. maybe i should clarify - pet owners are fucked up. after my last post i decided to use the 'Next blog' feature and see what everyone else was doing. and after searching past a couple of sex blogs - these people did seriously not need to be naked ever. cause damn - tummy rolls, and muffins tops and tiny wangs, oh my. but anyway, i came across a blog from the UK. told in the voice of an airdale terrier 'mojo'. now this either the smartest fucking dog ever, or some retarded human has nothing better to do than to write a blog in the voice of their fucking dog. don't get me wrong, i love dogs, i have a dog - she's fantastic. but unless it was for a bit or for irony purposes, i would not ever write a blog for her. dogs are not children substitutes - they are companions, pets. they do not need clothes - magically, they are all born with clothes - its called fur, fucktards - nature's sweater. oh, and yoda costumes are totally exempt.

ps. if you hate horses, check out this blog http://horsehater.blogspot.com/
and if you wanna check out one of the lamest pet blogs i've come across so far, http://mojoairedale.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

Mojo, Digger and family said...

oh well. I suppose that told me then

