Thursday, March 22, 2007

this is CAKETOWN!!!

not sure why people have to be such jerks. in my office, every thursday, we have a lunch & learn. this entails everyone gathering in one spot for a free lunch and some learning. altho we rarely learn - we generally just eat and run. in the afternoons, we get cake. why? why the eff not? everyone likes cake. i, especially, enjoy free cake. which it is. the money for the food doesn't come out of my paycheck, i don't have to put money in a jar to cover it. its free. FREE. this week we had pizza. people whined cause they didn't like the place it came from. fine. its still free. and more importantly, they still ate it. one guy, while he was waiting in line for the free pizza, ranted about how much he hated the pizza, then loaded up his plate with at least 4 pieces. super funny. its like in junior high when this girl was eating fries and in between bites kept going on about how gross they were. but she didn't bother to put them down. kept right on eating. even ate the tiny burnt bits at the bottom. yup. must have been super gross.
on to cake time. standing in the kitchen with whitecake - who ordered the cake, he's a co-op, that's his job - making tea for my free cake, crazy russian lady gets right in his face and starts ranting loudly and in a crazy accent about crappy the cake is. something along the lines of "I do not like zee cake, not enuf moose und squirrel" ok, the moose and squirrel were added in. but i someday would like to hear her mention something about moose and squirrels. anyhow, she's asking if the cake is cheaper and why we stopped ordering from the other cake place - which, BTW, was hugely expensive and not real cake, tasty, but not really cake - all the while holding a plate with a giant piece of cake on it. i was sort of surprised by her at first. whitecake seemed to be taking things in a goodnatured type of fashion. you know, laughing to cover up his obvious hate for the woman and her erroneous stance on the cake. i chime in with "well, you don't have to eat it..." and she kind of looked at me, then kept right on ranting about it. eating and ranting. but seriously she didn't buy the cake. her paycheck in no way went towards the cake. and really, no one held a gun to her damn head telling her to each the damn cake or they'd kill her and all the moose and squirrels. some people are just jerks by nature. and really, free cake is effing free cake. eat it or don't. but don't whine about something you didn't ask for and aren't being forced to eat.
now click the link the see the trailer for the movie 300 redone PG style.


algobay said...

i agree. free food means shut up. eat. enjoy. and shut up some more.

Unknown said...

Yup, pretty lame. We have to pay for water at my work... I would be pretty darn happy with any sort of free cake and lunch. And you guys have snack food and such all over the office. So jealous... So shut the eff up, dumb cake lady!

Bean cup!