Friday, March 30, 2007

it has a kind of rythmic flow...

for whatever reason, i just seem to be craving fruit. all fruit. ok not all. i am a slight fruit bigot. i refuse to eat pears. and cherries. altho i love cherry flavored things, i refuse to eat them raw. once, when i was small, my father took us to his friends property to pick cherries off the tree. we picked buckets and buckets full, all the while stuffing our faces with cherries. when we got all the buckets home, my mum started washing the fruit. she discovered that each shiny red orb was infected with at least 3 worms. it makes me retch to think about it. and pears. growing up, we had a pear tree in the yard. every year, when those stupid pears were ripe, we'd have to eat them. blech. i never liked them. they're stringy and fibre-y and taste like bear-ass. or what i imagine bear-ass might taste like. maybe i should ask and ass-pert, so aaron next time i see him.
maybe it's the weather thats got me all fruit hungry. perhaps i long for the hot summer nights, sitting on a patio, eating ice cold watermelon. thats right, i said ice cold. generally, as a rule, i refuse to eat cold vegetables and fruit. not because i'm a giant diva, but because i have sensitive teeth. whatever. so i won't eat things like cold carrots from the fridge, or salad - well, i really hate salad regardless. lettuce is the worst veggie in my opinion. not very filling, barely any nutritional value. oh, and no taste. maybe that tastes like bear-ass too. another question to run by aaron. where was i? oh right. ice cold watermelon. there really is nothing better. it really is one of the only things i will eat chilled. you know, fruit and veggitially speaking. i have been known to warm a salad in the microwave, just enough so its room temp. i like my sandwiches on the warm side too. and no, eff-asses, i do not heat up my ice cream. dairy and i had a falling out some time ago. i'm waiting for an apology. but the dairy is a stubborn breed. lazy too. it is quite possible we shall never speak again. it's cousin, yogurt, and i get along quiet nicely. well, except for a few minor incidents here and there. but what relationship doesn't have its issues? sigh, i effing miss u, come home baby. we can make it work. i can change, i swear i can. we can go to counseling, take supplements. maybe have a threesome with some fruit? hmm? would that make you happy? you always said i wasn't adventurous enough. and then you hooked up with that whey - that no good for nothing dirty son of an effer. how could you do that to me? and we had lil' ones at home to? how could you just do that to your family. well you know what? screw you! you can go eff yourself! eff yourself right in your effing pants. i hope you and your dirty mothereffer are quite happy effing together. watch your effing back. you'll get yours.....

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